Der Feuerwehrhelm

Fire on a ferry


World mapEuropePoland0101
Poland Synthetic helmet (˜1995)
In this collection since: 23.03.2002
0101 Fire helmet from Poland. The white helmet from GFK, resembles to the German M42. Though, the lateral neck guard approach has far moved to below. The helmet also has a cockscomb. A plexiglas visor is firmly add-on. A lamp can be fastened at the helmet. The visor is directly adjustable and is fixed over the lateral sticking screws. A very long, broad neck leather is one buttoned with pushbuttons behind. The edge protection made of leather also takes hold of a very unconventional lining inside, which one covers the complete inside helmet and the inside of the helmet. Markings are appropriate in some places in the helmet and on the neck leather, which ones cannot, however, be decoded any more. Merely fragments how: PSP II, Serekisz, Sumila. Manufacturer of the helmet ist he company KZPT Kalisz, the Typ is PH-5/Z-91. On the left outside side is another sticker with various notes on this: Helm Strazacki PH-5/Z-91, „Hit Sawo-91“ – Licencja Szkoly Glównej Sluzby Pozarniczej W-wa Posiada: - Atest Cnbop Jozefów k/ Otwocka – Znak Bezpieczenstwa ist W-wa – Patent RP (Republik Poland) – Swiadectwo Ochronne Up RP – Swiadectwo Zatwierdzenia Wzoru Dla Ratownictwa Technicznego G-01-22 CIOP W-wa. The marking indicates the helmet as allowed according to the professional co-operative society examination. Manufacturer of this helmet is the Polish company KALISKIE ZAKŁADY PRZEMYSŁU TERENOWEGO in 62 -800 Kalisz, ul. Przybrzezna 37. The shape of the helmet and several prototypes were developed in the "Main School of Fire Service" in Warsaw. MSFS has a patent on the shell of the helmet. Nevertheless, there are many different prototypes of this helmet. Helmet Number 389 is the successor.
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design & coding: Andreas Berger
