Der Feuerwehrhelm

Company 15 - Maximo Humbser
The German company
intervention exercise
Santiago de Chile


World mapEuropeFrance0466
France Brass helmet (˜1895)
In this collection since: 03.02.2013
0466 French fire helmet made of brass produced around 1895. Firefighter helmet from the village Bligny s / s B. Bligny sur Seine / Bourgogne is located away about 5 km from the Seine source in the department 21 - Cote d'Or, Burgundy region.
The helmet following to the previous number 25 which is substantially the same. A striking difference is the attachment of the helmet crest. While the comb is attached with through going rivets at the predecessor, the comb is attached here with two screws from the inside. The helmet interior leather is in good condition.
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design & coding: Andreas Berger
