Der Feuerwehrhelm

Emergency operation
Firebrigade Lausanne


World mapEuropeFrance0432
France Synthetic helmet (˜1980)
In this collection since: 19.04.2012
0432 Fire helmet from France. The helmet is from the fire department Strasbourg in Alsace. Manufacturer of the helmet is the French company Petitcollin in Paris. The helmet was made by Petitcollin in the early 1960 with intricate inner helmet made of linen and leather (see Helm 39). Over time, the helmet was modified. This helmet has been made in the years around the 1980th. The most striking feature compared with previous helmets are the rivets inside the helmet attachment that are no longer attached to the orbiting eye-shade but on the helmet bowl. On the front is the large coat of arms from the city of Strasbourg wich is still (2012) used on the current helmets from MSA Gallet.
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Also look at: France, 39
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design & coding: Andreas Berger
