Der Feuerwehrhelm

rescue after traffic accident
Fire Brigade
PGD ​​Stična


World mapEuropeGreece0429
Greece Synthetic helmet (˜1988)
In this collection since: 09.04.2012
0429 Swiss fire helmet made of polycarbonate, similar to the American form. This form was introduced around 1970 as a successor to the Swiss Army helmet. Manufacturer is the company Telled, Neuchatel, Switzerland. The type is 821. The helmet was produced in April 1988 after the SN 054 511 (Swiss Norm). The helmet is equipped with a neck protector from fabric, outside covered with artificial leather. Originally, the helmet was used at the Fire Department Schmittehof from a corporal. Then the helmet came to ESEPA in Greece.
ESEPA (Ε.Σ.Ε.Π.Α Greek Εθελοντικό Σώμα Ελλήνων Πυροσβεστών Αναδασωτών Ethelondiko Soma Ellinon Pyrosveston Anadasoton, corporation of the Greek volunteer fire brigade and reforestation) is a nationally recognized charitable organization and operates under the umbrella of the Greek civil protection.
The objective of ESEPA is the establishment of the idea of volunteer fire department in Greece, where exist previously seen almost exclusively professional fire departments. The rural areas and villages often have absolutely no organized fire departments and rely on overland help from the bigger cities. This initially small fires can get out of control and devastate vast areas of land, coupled with tremendous loss of valuable forest and agricultural land, and often associated with the destruction of homes and loss of life.
At the front there is the badge of ESEPA. Today (2012) ESEPA is wearing the helmet MSA F1S.
Also look at: Liechtenstein, 257
Switzerland, 4
Switzerland, 81
Switzerland, 258
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design & coding: Andreas Berger
