Der Feuerwehrhelm

Fire fighting
Fire Brigade Prague
Czech Republic


World mapEuropeThird Reich until 19450357
Third Reich until 1945 Steel helmet (˜1934)
In this collection since: 26.05.2010
0357 German fire helmet M34 from pre-war production in 1934. Helmet without the usual at this time and frequently changing badges (coat of arms of the German Reich, the swastika or the coat of arms of the German Feuerlöschpolizei (fire police)) and without the comb, which was prescribed by decree of 05.03.1934 for fire helmets.
It is astounding that the crest was not upgraded, after all, was the adoption of professional firefighters to November 1938, volunteer fire departments even until January 1940.
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design & coding: Andreas Berger
