Der Feuerwehrhelm

Building fire
Bataillon de Marins Pompiers


World mapAsiaSouth-Korea0303
South-Korea Medallion (˜2005)
In this collection since: 11.10.2007
0303 Medallion of the Republic of South Korea.
The heavy medallion from metal cast shows on the front the common, yellow badge of the fire departments of South Korea (see helmet 195) on the Jing and Jang symbol. As a text is to read in Latin and Korean characters: Republic orf Korea, National 119 Rescue Service.
119 is the nationwide emergency call number in South Korea.
On the backside, the logo of 119 is appropriate, under this the text: „We protect peoples happiness“
The medallion isn't common within the Korean fire departments.
However, the medallion is used by the special national technical aid unit.
She supports the fire departments, partly also abroad with a special equipment in special catastrophes. The medallion is kept in a blue velvet casket.
Links: --
Also look at: South-Korea, 195
Pictures: (Please click on picture to zoom...)

design & coding: Andreas Berger
