Der Feuerwehrhelm

Visiting the
Fire Brigade


World mapEuropeGerman Democratic Republic since 1949 until 19900289
German Democratic Republic since 1949 until 1990 Synthetic helmet (˜1985)
In this collection since: 25.03.2007
0289 Safety helmet of the civilian defense of the former DDR (German Democratic Republic). The civilian defense (air-raid precautions) was built up within the early 1950s and put under the authority of the department of the inside affairs. In the year 1958 a uniform is designed for members of this organization. Operational air-raid precautions and the self-protection are also created for the population at 1960. The units are dissolved in 1963 and change into the NVA or VP. (Nationale Volksarmee or Volkspolizei). Voluntary associations which furthermore are aware of the tasks of the air-raid precautions are founded at the same time. In 1970 the law is passed for the civilian defense of the DDR so that the changing of the air-raid precautions was carried out in the civil defense. The new working clothes is imported in 1978. With the association of the West and Eastern Germany these associations are wrapped up in the Federal Office of civil defense. The white helmet from glass fiber polyester with form of a making helmet is quite solid. The inside helmet consists of synthetic leather, the four point Chinstrap and the head support from broad linen tapes make an also heavy impression. The size adjustment is made by cords which are led at the headband by a perforation. The long neck leather can be fastened to 4 leather latches. Besides the use in the civilian defense the helmet had found even broader use possibilities. So members of the Red Cross, pit rescue services and youth fire department members also wore this helmet.
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design & coding: Andreas Berger
